Monday, August 22, 2011


Sitting on an escarpment 1,592 meters high, the quaint village of Sarangkot is a "pilgrimage" destination for the nature devotees who endeavor to make the arduous journey uphill and witness an unimpeded view of the Annapurna Range and Himalayan Mountains. The sight is particularly glorious during sunrise and sunset in Sarangkot, when the faint glow of the sun ever so slightly illuminates the peaks in a medley of colors.

Sarangkot is reached via a scenic trek that takes one through small  villages, winding dirt trails, lush wooded forests, and steep ascents. Most begin the hike from the Phewa Lake, whose starting point is marked by the Bindbyasini Temple. The trek only takes around two hours, after which one is rewarded with a panoramic sweep of the surrounding ranges, most especially the rounded form of the Annapurna II Peak, the perfect pyramid shape of Mt. Machhapuchhare, the Dhaulagiri Peak, and the uniquely-named Mt. Fishtail.

These are not the only attractions in Sarangkot. The more adventurous ones can also spend a few hours paragliding among the mountains and villages. One can't go wrong visiting the ruins of the Kaskikot Fort, where the former palace of the then-rulers of the land still stands.

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