Friday, September 16, 2011

Changunarayan Temple

Changu Narayan is one of the most important monuments of the Kathmandu Valley and is full of art works on metal and wood. Situated 18 km east of Kathmandu city and standing 1541 meters above the sea level, this monument is significant from religious, cultural, historical and archaeological viewpoints. The temple itself is dedicated to Vishnu (often called Narayan). The site is termed with different names during ancient period such as Champak Narayan , Dolashikher and Dolaparvat and become famous with the names of Changu Narayan in the medieval period to at present .The lord residing in this place is worshipped by the Hindus as Garuda Narayan Lokeshwor one among this many Lokeshwor is Mahayana Buddhism. This is one of the seven world heritage sites of the Kathmandu Valley listed on the UNESCO world heritage list.

The history of this site dates back to 4th century AD. According to the Gopal Raj Vanshavali a fathomable chronicle believed to be written in the 14th century AD credits king Haridutta Verma as the founder/builder of this shrine, who also built 3 other shrines dedicated to Lord Vishnu in three cardinal points of the valley: Bishankhu Narayan in the east, Shikhaar Narayan in the south and Ichangu Narayan in the west.

One of the proud collections of Changu complex is the pillar with inscription engraved on it, and installation of human faced Garuda, the mythical half-bird, half-man donated by king Manadev in the year 464 AD, a great devotee of Vishnu (Narayan’s mount). The pillar and the statue of Garuda are considered to be the oldest records of religious importance to be discovered not only in the shrine but in the whole valley of Kathmandu; the language of the inscription is Sanskrit but is written in the Lichhavi Script. After Manadev, king Ansuverma, an illustrious ruler of 7th century replaced the worn out golden shield and Garuda.

Statue of Malla king and Queen
Bhupalendra Malla, the king of Kantipur had renovated Kileshwor temple in 1691 AD and arranged the priest for its worship, in 1704 AD the queen Bhuban Laxmi, having performed the yagya, got the Changu Narayan temple built and got the enthroned idols of herself and her late husband, Bhupalendra Malla established at the main gate. The statue of Bhupalendra Malla stolen on 2 Sep, 2001 and reinstall in the same place

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